Friday, January 20, 2006
1:20 PM
Happy Birthday Chicken little!
Adeline Kwok is officially 22 this year!Happy Birthday girl!, I thank you for being there for me always. You have been a very funny, loving, loyal, understanding, giving and encouraging friend to me. I treasure the friendship that we share these 3 years plus.
I appreciate the time we took bus home together, even though it was quite out of the way, you would send me home first. Although it would mean reaching home later. There was once, it was getting late like around 11.30pm, we were at Bugis. She accompanied me home and ended up missing her last bus. She has to take a bus nearer home and walk all the way home..It must have taken her 15 minutes to walk back.
I was so touch, but dont do it again! I will really feel bad about it.
Or the time i was bored and when i sms her, she would try to call back and entertain me. And the countless time she stayed over at mny place. We have so much fun! Watching vcds and play mahjong together and afterthat talk before we both
snores huahua we dun snores lar...
Though we are not in the same group and i am not always there for you but i really am confident and assured of the friendship we have. Looking forward to many more happy days gal!
Wish you great joy and happiness!
i love you!
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
12:37 PM
A very quick update:
1, I've got my bonus and appraisal.(hoho)
2, I am not going Bali.(sob sob)
cause susan's leave is not approved and i am scared to go there alone, besides it wont be fun going alone.3, I am still going back home though.
4, Will be very very busyyyy till before CNY!
5, I have bought the Romeo and Juliet VCD!
lookin' forward for my trip back home!
Monday, January 16, 2006
12:30 PM
Been really out of the virtual world for a while. I am back. Not for long though, cause my project is beginning to pile up. Yup i will be busy and may only update on weekends.
Still feeling a little sad about the recent news. I am actually happy for them. I had wished it was me. But nevertheless destiny has its plan.God said differently. It was a clear sign that i should move on and not continue to meddle on this matter.
Thanks my friends for accompanying me. Ate crabs with me on midnight. Giving me chocolate (My favourite Ritter Sport Rum and Raisins) The constant "Are you ok?" thanks i really need that.
Been done with crying on my pillow, listening to emotional song over and over again. Asking God why? and trying to just forget.
Now i can officially said. I have moved on. Though bits and pieces of memories still lingering in my heart but i can say now i am ok!
I am going back! Yup hee... this time its gonna be quite a long journey! of two weeks! I am going Bali first(keeping my finger crossed).
Once Susan's leave approved by her boss(today!)
Yeah (jumping with joy) this is gonna be my first time to Bali.I heard lots about the panaroma beauty there.It wasnt fair that all my siblings been there before, so i am pampering myself.Ha ha ha.
ok now i gotta get back to my work.
Monday, January 09, 2006
11:00 AM
Today not only is a blue monday its also a gloom day for me.
i just have one thing to say or sing...
jreng..jreng jreng...(guitar strumming melodiously)
How can you mend a broken heart?I can think of younger days when living for my life
Was everything a (WO)man could want to do.
I could never see tomorrow, but I was never told about the sorrow.
And how can you mend a broken heart?
How can you stop the rain from falling down?
How can you stop the sun from shining?
What makes the world go round?
How can you mend a this broken (WO)man?
How can a loser ever win?
Please help me mend my broken heart and let me live again.
I can still feel the breeze that rustles through the trees
And misty memories do days gone by
We could never see tomorrow, noone said a word about the sorrow.
And how can you mend a broken heart?
How can you stop the rain from falling down?
How can you stop the sun from shining?
What makes the world go round?
How can you mend this broken (WO)man?
How can a loser ever win?
Please help me mend my broken heart and let me live again.
*self pity*
Spare me just today.
I need to heal and pick up for tomorrow.
Just to pray
because the truth is hard to swallow.
A heart refusing the fact.
Its been done.
I keep looking back.
My hope comes to none.
So i am in pain,
but heal me O Lord.
Nothings will i gain,
the world full of vain.
But my hope will be in God,
only that my heart could afford.
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
11:48 AM
Muffin! your Table Calender!
contentdo ya still want?
Sunday, January 01, 2006
12:00 AM

Happy 24th Birthday Clara!
Pre-Birthday plan:
I called Jen on the 30th,"ring...rringg...Halo, Jen? Hey wat are you planning for clara's birthday?"
"Hmm she dun want to have a celebration, but andrew and i have some surprised celebration for her at the end of the date", she replied.
"We will pretend to go back home and then come back up again", she added.
"Oh can i be part of it as well? I will get sha to come along", i asked.
"Sure", Jen said.
"Haha, ok why dun we get the cake? we will come after the date and give her a surprised."
rring ring
"eh sha, someone called", i said. "Who? tianfang ah?"i answered.
"haloo? ah fang? oh you already in front of her bus stop ah? Where is the nearest mrt ah? Oh Kangkar? oh ok ok"
"Haloo? Andrew? oh yah we coming sooon?"
"Hallo? of Victoria? oh yah yah later we will ring the bell and sing her the song? ok ok we will .. wat time? oh 9.30pm? ok. bye"
"Halo? of ah fang again! Yes fang why? oh sorry still waiting for them ler.. clara and martin still in mc donald..eh dun pass mc donald ah? later they see you"
"har? oh you passed by already? ehh hope they didnt see you can wait a bit more, they havent call us yet..ok when they called us we willcall you ok?wait ah"
"haiyoh how come they havent called ah?", i complained.
Sha said,"ok let me called them...rring ring, Halo ... Andrew? Can we go now? huh wat they havent come back?"
"Let me called victoria",i told sha.
"ringng ...hey vic? are they back yet? ...(hear some door noise..uhh its clara's voice)oh yah? she is back already (quite excited now) ok ok we will make our way."
Hurry ..hurry they are back ...
"eh sha they called again", i said.
"Halo? huh dun go up first ah? wait ? wait where ? hide ? oh they coming down the lift liao!!"
"Yan, they pretending to go home and clara is sending them home"
We were actually just under her void deck..ah run and hide! run and hide! where? oh ok opposite her block...
"eh yan.. i saw clara coming with them they are coming at our direction...", sha whispered.
"uh oh! ok lets pretend to be part of the wall hope its dark enough", i panicked.
"dun turn around, dun see us... "we pleaded under our breath.
Let me called andrew. "Halo andrew? eh wat happen..we saw all of you..please dun turn around we are just behind you"
"eh sorry messed up..she wanted to see us off",he replied.
"aiyoh how?ok we will go back to clara's house..alfred around rite? ok ok we will wait there but you all must come back if not the surprised its only on us"
to be continued...